الخميس، 30 يونيو 2011

Let’s get the party started

Because I graduated my friend “Maha” throw me a party in her house that she decided just week before

The theme was anything that is related to the color green, wings and tea 
Why those things? Well …it because I love them ;)
I put green eyeliner and I used “key” picture as reference I really loved his look in “ lucifer” MV 

(“key” is a member from a Korean band named “shinee” )
I had on this feminine green dress but when I went to Maha’s house she and my other friends  were wearing black rock style clothes! 
They said they didn’t have green clothes and there was no time to go shopping  as for picking the rock style that was a coincidence 
I was the odd one so I called my sister and asked her to bring a long some of my clothes 
We spend the night eating and dancing on many kinds of music

 the cake was amazing and even I had gifts
(didn’t expect they would even bother)  

Maha brought me a cute crown and green scarf made of feather  that I wore the whole night while others bought me a beautiful black robe and chocolate box  

though we were only 7 girls it was so much fun!

Missing "half" lenses

Once I put on my lenses  it started to hurt
 when I tacked off I only saw half of it
I thought that is way it hurt the other half must fell on the floor
   (especially that it stopped hurting  me)
I didn’t bother looking ( I was in hurry) so I put a new lenses and everything was ok
A week after I was washing my face when suddenly something came out of my eye

السبت، 25 يونيو 2011

احتفال مع الفائزين في مسابقة دراجونير

مبرووووووووووك للفائزين في مسابقة دراجونير القرائية وهم 

حمزة طيبة
خالد الشهري
سديم عسلي
طارق شهاب الدين
غفار عابد
محمد المحبوب

استمتعت كثيرا برؤية الفائزين شخصيا و أظن أنهم سعدوا برؤية طاقم العمل أيضا و لقد تناقشنا و تحدثنا بشكل عام  عن دراجونير
أحببت تقديرهم للجهد المبذول في كل من القصة و الرسم و الإخراج و كم سعدت بوجود أمهات واعيات بأهمية ما نفعله الذي ظهر جليا في أسئلتهن كم تمنيت أن يكون هنالك المزيد منهن
و لنجعل ختامها مسك تناولنا جميعا كعكة عليها صور غلاف قصة دراجونير

أتمنى أن أرى الفائزين مرة أخرى في الجزء الثاني من الكتاب  


I woke up to find out my beloved hamster has died L
We celebrated our anniversary couple of weeks ago
I guess it was her time
It was bad period in my life when I decided suddenly to stop at front of a pet shop and once I saw those cute Russian hamsters I decided to buy one
 After playing with several of them, I chose her to be my pet she really helped me to get through the bad times
Every time she licks my finger or set on my lap eating from my hand makes feel that all my problems has gone
My “kumi” thank you for everything 

الجمعة، 24 يونيو 2011

Gallery opening NIGHT

I had few hours to sleep because of some obligations
 (nothing fancy just early family breakfast at a nice coffeeshop)
 the gallery has opened that evening and I presented my dad’s works and accomplishments to the Minister of Culture and Information 
(I found myself at newspapers standing next to him) 
many people came (I took pictures with two famous people that I admire)     
It was a nice evening and the speech was good ^_^ 

الثلاثاء، 21 يونيو 2011

Gallery opening

Went to see my Deceased father’s best friend while he was preparing for a gallery opening for their group that called “Jeddah photographers” 
My dad and the group in general are very well known photographers and they had a lot of successful galleries and to honor his work I will say few words and I do not know what to say!
Therefore, I went there for some guidance but that did not help much in fact my dad’s friend said 
“We are photographers let the pictures do the talk”   
Ok =_= the opening night should be interesting  

 Side of the gallery while still under preparing (that's some of my dad's works hanging there) 

oh yeah did i tell that i finished my final exams?! can't believe that i finally graduated :D   

السبت، 18 يونيو 2011

دراجونير (اختيار الفائز)

اليوم تم الاجتماع مع الأستاذة ثريا بترجي و المؤلف أياد و اشراق الخياري في مكتب كادي و رمادي لاختيار الفائز
طبعا لا يمكنني أن أفصح عن الأسماء لكن مبارك مقدما